by Patricia Taylor, Anna Hills and Euan Forbes 5 January 2021 – the day that marked the end of the festivities for another year, the day on which most law firms returned to work, and simultaneously, following the Scottish Government's announcement, the day that we re-entered Lockdown. Before March of 2020, some may have struggled to decipher what 'WFH' stood for, when, almost a year later, working from home remains the reality for most.
We do appreciate that the experiences of our members are unique, and that one case of WFH will differ from the next. We have prepared a list of general tips for making the most of your time WFH, but would welcome any feedback that our readers might have. Thank you to those who submitted some WFH tips via our Instagram poll – we have also included your examples throughout this blog.
By George McLaughlin International Day of Persons with Disabilities took place on 3 December and it’s goal is to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. In light of this, I thought it might be helpful to give some ‘top tips’, based on my experiences so far, having been fully qualified for just over a year, as a blind solicitor. As will become apparent, most of these tips may be equally applicable to any young solicitor getting used to the workplace setting . However, I will explain how I think these can be best applied specifically with reference to disability. I hope this is of some assistance to those with disabilities aspiring to a career in law.
By Patricia Taylor The results of our most recent member's survey highlighted a demand for an event focussed on practising in house. In response to this feedback, on 15 December 2020, the SYLA was delighted to present 'So you want to be… an in house lawyer?'. The event was chaired by our non-executive Committee Member, Patricia Taylor, who was joined by a panel of expert speakers: